Rougham C of E Primary School Together we shine brighter
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The Tilian Partnership contains ten schools, with their own Headteachers or Heads of School, under one Principal. The schools are part of the Tilian Partnership Multi Academy Trust


Each school has a School Governance Committee (SGC) who have delegated powers from the Tilian Trust Board to support and challenge their school. The constitution of the SGC is similar to a governing body.

To view information regarding the Tilian Partnership Governance please follow this link


Rougham School Governance Committee Membership

Clare Clark (Headteacher)

Gaby Munns (Staff)

Maggie Durrant (Community)

Helen Gibson (Community

Fenella Eddell (Community) - Vice Chairperson

Diane Grimes (Community)

Becky Smith (Parent)

Terry Jennings (Foundation) - Chairman

Rev Julia Lall (Foundation)


Caroline Gray (Clerk)
