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Year 6 Accumulator Challenge

Year 6 Accumulator Challenge!


In Year 6, we provide the children with an enterprise style task over their final year called the Accumulator Challenge. 


At the start of the year, the class split into groups and are each provided with £5 seed money from the PTA. Their challenge is to grow this investment as much as they possibly can by holding fundraising events both in and outside of school to raise money for their own Leaver's Event which they choose themselves. 

This task allows the children to develop a huge range of vital skills which will help them in not only their future education journeys but beyond into their working lives. These skills include independence, communication, money-management, advertising, budgeting, investment, planning, evaluating, organisation and many more! 


The task is aimed to be as child-led as possible to allow them to develop as much of these skills as possible so it is natural that it may feel slightly alien for parents and carers to find themselves slightly out of the loop- but encouraging your children to independently ask for clarification from their teacher or to contact group members to plan events themselves provides them with the opportunity to get the maximum benefit from this challenge. 

That being said- I am always available to discuss any of the events or details of the challenge so please do feel free to ask! 


We do, however, ask that any fundraising the children complete outside of school is supervised by an adult to ensure their safety and you may wish to supervise the use of the oven for any bake sales! 


Please feel free to browse the buttons below to see how previous year groups have got on with the challenge!
